0333 577 5776

2 Hyrdochloric Based Toilet Cleaner 5 Litre


10 in stock

SKU: Toilet Cleaner Category:

Additional information


our concentrated tile & porcelain cleaner has been awarded the certificate of: 
The Institute of Chemical Manufacturers and Distributors. 
is a special blend of highly effective chemicals which cleans, disinfects and deodorises in one action, effecting a considerable saving in materials, labour and time. 
removes unhealthy and unsightly, offensive stains, scale, algae deposits and organic material from toilet bowels and urinal facings, eliminating a health hazard normally associated with these features.  It also removes the brown stains from vitreous baths and shower stalls. 
When applied to ceramic tiles and quarry tiles in toilet areas, destroys the odour producing bacteria which breed in the grouting of these tiles. 
is fast acting, having an immediate effect on treated areas,  It restores cleanliness to toilet bowls, urinals, sinks, etc. 
is ideal for deep cleaning of quarry tiled flooring. 
is highly concentrated and therefore economical. 

For heavily soiled surfaces, the water flow should be stopped and applied evenly over the area to be treated, paying particular attention to the area under the rim of toilet bowls.  Leave for a few minutes.  Slight agitation with a hand mop will assist in the removal of the most stubborn soiling.  Turn water on and flush.  For normal maintenance and the prevention of further algae build-up,  can be applied without turning off the water flow. 
must NOT be used with bleaches and other chemicals.  Clean, germ-free toilets are essential in every establishment.  Specify  for this very important part of your works programme. 


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