Is a specially blended formula of chemicals, developed to meet the increasing regulations for heavy duty plant, machinery, vehicles and premises.
Is a heavy duty cleaner and degreaser which is non-flammable, non-caustic, non-acidic and non-volatile and it can be diluted with up to 600 parts of water, making it very economical in use.
Replaces previously used potentially hazardous solvents and by its versatility and ability to adapt to a multitude of cleaning operations by dilution with water, eliminates the necessity of carrying a stock of different cleaning agents.
Mixes instantly and is 100% water soluble. It is equally effective in hot or cold, hard or soft water, and is completely biodegradable.
Will remove all types of traffic films collected on highways.
Will remove clay, mud and silt from quarry vehicles and machinery.
Will easily remove flour and meal dust caked on to vehicles using loading hoppers.
Will remove iron dust particles from vehicles and machinery in foundries and iron mills.
Other areas of use include:- soiled concrete floors, floor wax removal, greasy machinery, ovens, fans, ducting, general cleaning. Used in the right dilution rates,
Can be used on most surfaces. In the case of glass, however, it should be rinsed off immediately.
Can be used through a pressure wash. Dilute up to 600:1